July 16, 2010

Old Friends and Family

Sorry I haven't been blogging! We went on a long road trip and I've been busy.

Lately, we've been hanging out with some old friends. Hayden, Josh and Jordan and their mom, Dawny. Dawny has been my mom's best friend since they were eleven. I've know Hayden his whole life. He's almost twelve. Josh is the middle child, he's really funny. And little Jordan. In fact, they're all funny! We have a similar since of humor.

Little Hayden and Me

 And here's all of the Menge and Marks kids now. We call ourselves the M&Ms!
From left to right: Jordan, 5 1/2, Annabel, 11, Me, 13, Josh, 9, Hayden, 11 1/2, Shawn, 7

And here's what happens when they have to go:

And then there's the cousins, Emma, seven and a half, Elijah, five, and Henry, two.

And we're staying at an awesome house with an electric dirt bike!
 I got a little wild ;)

And all of the kids have gotten into acting. Annabel's kinda the actress in the family. Can you tell?

Happy Summer everyone!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

cute post! My cuzins are coming next week!!!