May 17, 2011

corner view "room"

One of my favorite rooms in the house is the Music Room. It's also my Dad's lair. :)

Old Music Room

Modern Music Room :)
For more rooms, go to our host, Francesca.


PoetessWug said...

Any room where there's music coming from it is a music room in my opinion. :-]

Redeker said...

wow...i music room!!
i think that is great!!

Anonymous said...

Your Dad must probably have some trouble keeping it his private lair - I'm sure that's the room that his kids use the most!:)

swig said...

Wow! I would love it too! And that blue door!

nadine paduart said...

a music room is special.
i've never had one, i'm not planning on having one, but i think i could easily miss one...

tanïa said...

Wow, never met anyone who had a music room! That's really special, but also great! Maybe every home should have that?!

Joyce said...

A music room is not only a perfect spot to listen, but to express what is in our hearts. xo

flowtops said...

I've always enjoyed knowing that there are people out there with actual music rooms. Just like I really enjoy knowing that there are people out there with actual libraries. Dedicated rooms have such a special air about them. I guess what with you all being so musical, this must be the liveliest room in the house.

l i s e said...

it must be nice to have a music room

Theresa said...

This is where much of the magic happens. I love how you show both of Dad's pianos in this post.

Valerie said...

congratulations Skylar, and thank you for playing on the letter M.

you have such a great place to play music ! i have a little sewing room of my own, so i know how special it is to have a room devoted to your passion !

have a lovely trip (in my country) this summer with your family xx